May 16, 2008

George Chovanes writes:

Sorry I wasn't able to make it to the reunion. My daughter graduates from Bucknell University this weekend. Please give my best wishes to all our fellow classmates who are there. thanks for your work in arranging the reunion.

I live with my wife and three children on a horse farm outside of Allentown, Pa. Brother Mike (a horse vet) has the adjacent farm. I'm fortunate in that I've got what every red blooded American male should have at some point in their lives--a pickup truck and a backhoe.

I'm the chief of neurosurgery at St. Luke's Hospital in Bethlehem, and am a member of a five neurosurgeon practice there. Check out my novel of medical suspense "The Sharp Edge of the Soul" on

Brother Nick is a teacher in Maine, Joe a patent lawyer in Haverford, and John a trauma surgeon (recently back from Iraq in the Army).

The welcome mat is always out for anybody who wants to toss a couple bales of hay.




Lower Merion HS Class of 1973

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